We hope you are excited to join us for your first lesson or session. We are looking forward to welcome you.
The pool is located in the big green barn in the middle of the site. Please park on the right hand side of the car park alongside the green barn. The entrance is around the other side of the building about halfway along. Disabled entrance only is at the ramp at the front of the building.
Please arrive 15 mins before your class/session starts.
Hydro Bubbles : Bring your swimmers and towels for you and baby/child, neoprene swim nappies are available for purchase or swap at reception . We have limited supply of the disposable swim nappies that go under the neoprene (and would prefer that you use reusable ones) so please bring your own.
Oz Squads: Please come beach ready (this means dressed in swimmers with a towel over the top) where possible to reduce the number or people in the changing rooms. Goggles and Hats are required for all lessons. We have a limited range available at reception. Spectators are not allowed poolside, a live stream is visible at reception for you to watch your child/children. At the end of a lesson, the instructor will alert you using the walkie talkie in reception. Please collect your child from the pool/bring them in for their lesson.
Hydro: swimmers and towel and a list of exercises from your physio.
NO SHAMPOO/SHOWER GEL, SPRAYS OR TALCS. These can cause inhalation risks and slip hazards.
NO ONE IS TO COME OUT OF THE POOL AREA WET. It damages the carpet and makes slip hazards on the concrete floors.